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How Often Does a Lift Need To Be Serviced?

Regular and adequate lift maintenance is crucial for ensuring safe, smooth operations, and extending the lifespan of elevators. Based on research published in the Journal of Building Engineering, besides the age of a lift, inadequate safety features and surpassing the maximum recommended service life of components are the primary reasons elevators require costly lift repairs and lift modernization. Conversely, regular inspections and appropriate maintenance enable building owners in India to detect potential issues early, preventing significant disruptions to lift operations.

Factors Influencing Lift Service Frequency

Several factors determine how frequently a lift should be serviced. Here are some key considerations:

Manufacturer's Recommended Maintenance Intervals

Original manufacturers specify maintenance intervals for critical components like elevator brakes. Adhering to these guidelines is essential to prevent malfunctions, similar to the maintenance schedules recommended for automobiles.

Number of Lift Rides

Maintenance intervals should correlate closely with the frequency of lift rides. Elevators used more frequently exhibit signs of wear sooner, necessitating shorter maintenance intervals to maintain optimal performance. Elevators in commercial or public buildings in eIndia typically require more frequent maintenance (e.g., monthly), whereas residential elevators serving fewer than 6,000 trips per month and installed in buildings with up to six floors may suffice with quarterly maintenance optimized maintenance schedule (in line with the states’ lift rules / act and OEMs defined frequency and task codes). It's important to note that these are general guidelines; the appropriate service frequency should always be determined by a qualified lift service technician on a case-by-case basis.

Age of the Lift

The "bathtub principle" applies here, suggesting that complex systems like elevators require more frequent maintenance at the beginning and end of their lifecycle. Early after installation, minor faults may still occur, while older lifts are more prone to problems after years of heavy use. The middle years, between installation and end-of-life, typically experience fewer disruptions.

Usage Characteristics & Building Type

Elevators in industrial buildings transporting heavy loads or serving tall buildings have different maintenance needs compared to those in residential buildings in India.

Benefits of Regular Lift Maintenance

Regular lift maintenance offers numerous advantages, ensuring maximum user safety and reducing costly service disruptions while extending the lift's lifespan. For more information on how we can assist you, contact our service teams across India.

Also check out our related blog posts: How Much Electricity Does a Lift Use? and How Often Does an Escalator Need To Be Serviced?.