Inside the IQC Part Two: Digital Showroom
TK Elevator has always been focused on moving people in ever-growing cities, so it only seemed fitting to build our North American headquarters in one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. Here in Atlanta, the Innovation and Qualification Center can be seen from miles away in its place in the skyline as the tallest building in Cobb County. This 420-foot structure was made to test our top-of-the-line products, allow guests to enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the city and learn more about the elevators that keep us moving.

If you have ever been intrigued by elevator history, our IQC’s exceptional showroom would be extremely interesting to you. With typical showrooms, you may read a few short sentences about each product out for display, but TK Elevator wanted to provide an experience like no other.
Being a company known for our digital solutions, we thought it best to let our technology do the talking. That’s why the IQC is equipped with a digital showroom to walk you through each of the products we offer and explore their unique features.
Our Elevator History
In our golden era of information, we now know that elevators are the safest form of transportation. It’s hard to imagine a time when vertical transportation wasn’t commonplace, but this was the reality for most of history until the 1850s when the first passenger elevator was installed. The historical impact this one installation had was phenomenal, and the invention spread like wildfire until it became a staple in our society.
We saw how remarkable it is to be able to move the world, and this has helped us become a global leader in urban mobility. For over forty years, TK Elevator has been creating, testing and perfecting elevators that move beyond expectations. From our first machine room-less options that guaranteed building owners more leasable space to our one-of-a-kind elevator with two cabs working independently in one shaft, we’ve always had innovation on our minds.

Each service we offer and product we create is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
Our Elevator Showroom
Our showroom celebrates our employees, community and elevator history while giving guests a digital look at the elevators that we take pride in. Visitors begin a journey through the first level of the IQC where you will read about what makes us different. Safety is always at the forefront of our business, and we don’t take it lightly. This is why the first thing our guests will likely notice is our safety wall which features an explanation of what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) our technicians wear and our Five Behavioral Safety Traps.

Once they move on to our products, visitors are greeted by large walls with LED screens that tell the stories of each of our products as well as our company goals like net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. All of our hydraulic solutions can run efficiently with petroleum-alternative fluid (like enviromax) while our traction applications often feature a regenerative drive that puts unused energy back into a building’s power grid.

The digital showroom features all our low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise elevators along with in-depth descriptions of all they can do. Visitors can use the interactive display monitors to explore the varying features of the elevators; this includes digital solutions like our destination dispatch option, AGILE. Click to continue reading about IQC.