Three Ways Elevator Modernization Will Benefit Your Building
The excitement of a brand-new elevator can last for quite some time, but what happens when it’s been running for decades? Like any machine, wear and tear will eventually begin to set in and exhaust the system, which leads to more frequent servicing. Elevators are made to endure their working conditions for extended periods of time, especially if serviced on a regular basis. But how can you prolong your elevator’s life and save yourself money in the long run?
Modernization is the process by which elevator equipment is upgraded to meet modern standards. This can be just one component of the elevator like the controller, or it can be the entire machine room and cab.
Regardless of the component being upgraded, there are endless reasons why elevator modernization is a fantastic method for prolonging the life of your elevator. This article will take a look at just a few of the ways that modernization will not only benefit your elevator system, but your entire building.

Fully Code Compliant System
Code compliance is by far the most crucial reason to move forward with a modernization job, so we will begin here. ADA regulations or an update to code in your local region can have a significant impact on how your elevator runs. In North America, we abide by the ASME 17.1 safety code for elevators and escalators. Pretty much any vertical transportation solution is required by law to adhere to this code. It is designed to keep passengers safe and can be altered throughout time as new information arises.
When this code changes or gets updated with new regulations, a modernization job will do the trick. For example, Florida will soon be required to have a door-lock monitoring system in place for all elevators, and all building owners and managers will need to modernize their elevators by the end of 2023 to include this enhanced safety feature.
As changes to the code like these occur, modernization specialists and technicians get the job done without creating massive downtime for tenants. Once it is finished, you will be up to code and commuters will be safer for it.
Increased Uptime
Many property managers put off elevator modernization because they don’t want to inconvenience their tenants by putting up that dreaded “Out of Service” sign. While completely understandable, a major benefit of upgrading your elevator is the increased uptime that it grants.
As the most common form of vertical transportation, elevators are used thousands of times each day, and that takes a toll on every component. Service calls will increase once the elevator gets older, and repairs can become less sporadic. While technicians are fast and ready to take care of the job, modernization will greatly decrease the time that mechanics have to spend on your elevator each year.
By extending your elevator’s lifespan through modernization, you’ll also have more uptime for passengers and receive fewer tenant complaints.
Aesthetic Upgrade
As we stride into the 2020s, building aesthetic matters more than ever. Tenants and commuters want to be met with fresh and modern architecture. A great way to liven up your space is by extending your building’s look into the elevator cab.
Through modernization, cabs can look as good as new or even better with high-tech digital solutions, fresh cab wall paneling and LED lighting to set the scene. If your elevator will be out of service shortly for a modernization job, why not upgrade the interior of the cab to meet your unique design?
While this is just one of many advantages when getting your elevator modernized, it is a big one. Passengers feel safe and calm when they’re given a smooth ride in style.
Interested in learning more? Read more information on modernization and the ways that it can help your building here or reach out to your local branch manager.