The endura product line features hydraulic elevators that focus on sustainability and stability for low-rise buildings, one with a machine room and one without. Hydraulic elevators have been in the TK Elevator family since 1937 and continuously represent the standard for quality and reliability that we hold ourselves to. While keeping safety at the absolute top priority, endura is designed to fit into any type of building’s aesthetic and concept. There is a near endless supply of options to help the elevator cab and fixture become perfectly suited for your building. The numerous customizable options and sleek elevator layouts make meeting building specifications simple while providing peace of mind.

With several built-in safety features, the endura elevators are also energy efficient because they use biodegradable hydraulic fluid. A unique feature of this product line is that all endura elevators come with a standard biodegradable fluid, but TKE offers another option for biodegradable hydraulic fluid called enviromax®, so you have a choice of what to use.
The endura hydraulic elevators can be structured in two different ways. One of these methods is with twinpost telescopic jacks which can be applied both to the endura with a machine room and the endura MRL. The other is a conventional plunger and cylinder jack assembly that rests below the ground level – a method that can’t be applied to the endura MRL. A common factor between both of these configurations is that they provide cost-effective solutions, and the installation process is as simple as possible.
Product | Technology | Max Height | Max Speed | Max Load |
endura | Hydraulic with machine room | 60 ft (18m) |
200 fpm (1 m/s) |
5000 lbs (2500 kg) |
endura MRL | Hydraulic, machine room-less | 33'-6.5" ft (10.2m) |
150 fpm (0.76 m/s) |
5000 lbs (2500 kg) |