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Moving Walks Maintenance & Repair

Maintaining the proper functionality of moving walks is crucial for smooth operations and commuter safety in commercial spaces and mass transportation hubs such as airports and train stations. Opt for reliable and professional moving walk maintenance and repair services provided by TK Elevator.

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The Importance of Regular Moving Walk Maintenance

Regular maintenance forms the backbone of the longevity and safety of moving walks. TKE moving walks maintenance services include routine inspections, lubrication, and part replacements to prevent breakdowns and ensure seamless functionality. Our professionally trained service technicians can draw on the expertise and capabilities of our International Technical Services (ITS) network to leverage our global expertise to provide you with first-class service and to help reduce the probability of unexpected breakdowns and long service disruptions.

Moving Walk Maintenance Procedures

Moving Walk Repair

If any components exhibit signs of wear or malfunction during the inspection, our service technicians replace or repair them. Depending on the usage patterns, handrails, for example, need to usually be replaced every 4-7 years. Our extensive portfolio of spare parts ensures that we can restore proper operations swiftly.

Frequently asked questions

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Do you have any further questions, or would you like to get a quotation? Contact our service team today.

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